Monday, October 16, 2006

OK, the Nucks won tonight, but I'm truly fed up of this little shit disturber. There was a time and place for this kind of player, but we have far too many fast young players who will eventually put the puck in the net to afford Cooke at 1.5 M. He had one nice hit tonight (late as always), but otherwise was invisible. Don't like him, haven't for sometime, and it's time to move this hinderance before he pulls some guttless Bertuzzi like move and further soils this club.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

OK, alright, it was bound to hapen. Coming off a highly rough round in which I carried my partners (who knew I was the long iron guy?) I went for a fun round at home with the lads. Home at Rivershore, playing the tips, all was going well til the fourth. I'd been cranking it off the tee, hitting all irons solid. Then came #4. I've always moved the ball left to right. Stood up today and smashed at it; move it right to left. Into a window. I knew, as soon as I hit it, that this was bad. Let me tell you that nothing is worse than standing on a tee box, grimacing, hearing the glass destruction and knowing you have to drop 3. Anyow, act like a man, let my partners hit and strut towards the house. By now, neighbors are all at their windows watching, seeing if I'll own up. Up I stomped, unafraid. Worst shot of my life, and it blew out some glass. I walked right up the back deck and knocked on her patio door as I watched a woman cooking her dinner. Appologized and described the caranage. Turns out she hadn't even heard the god awful smacking and was quite shocked to hear of the carnage I'd inflicted on her home. Turns out the ball hit the window of her sewing room and had she been there at work, oh my, look our...heart attack central. I asked for a box and volunteered to pick up the glass as we were lucky enough to have only broken one pane. The second was cracked as well, but alas. She went on to tell me that, as I gave her my phone numbers, I probably wouldn't be hearing from her as they have a $35 per year policy that covers them from broken glass due to golf balls with no deductible. Just show's that honesty is the best virtue. Feeling very true to the game, I walked back to the point of entry and hit three wood into the tree in my way, then a one iron into said tree. Finally crushed a six iron into wedge distance, which was follow with a one putt. Oddest 8 (snow man) I ever took. By the way, Bob fell out of the cart laughing. Bugger. Had a 44 on the back though. What an afternoon.

Friday, October 06, 2006

I stole this line, people at the coffee shop stared as I began laughing my bag off: If I were to compare Luongo to Cloutier, I would say Luongo is like a surgeon's hand. Steady as she goes. Cloutier is like trying to pour a drink after mistakenly killing your best friend.

That's some good stuff!
I predict this fella is gonna cost Patches and his anti Nucks betting style a lot of cash and bragging rights this season. The team looked great last night, very quick and explosive shifts coupled with tenacious checking. Nice to see, it was even nicer to see 'The Dominator' get lit up, though I'm sure that Nazzy's high wrister to the shoulder injured him early on. Keep er up lads.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Currently sitting in the coffee shot enjoying a dark Italian Roast and feeling contentment and a wee bit of relief. Seems that we've reached a tentative deal with Tech, and I'll be heading back to work as scheduled tommorrow morning. Be interesting to see what the deal contains, and we'll be going to vote to hopefully ratify within 10 days I understand. But that wasn't the reason I began this post. I'm just wondering on the 'rules of engagement' regarding the use of laptops publically, and more precicely the habit some seem to have of looking over the user's shoulder. There's a guy behind me right now who's apparently very interested in everything I do on this machine. And no Patches, I'm not surfing any of my 'fav' sites! Just newpapers, news and blogs. Yet, wait now...gonna quickly peek over my shoulder! Yup, there he is again, watching enraptured. Caught again, he looks away; only to go right back to staring once I'm back at the keyboard. This whole phenomenon makes me wonder, by bringing such devices into public, are we just opening ourselves up to such 'intrusions;' or was Mom right all along. Don't read over a stranger's shoulder?

I've Fallen and I Can Get Up!!!

Oh well, an imagined dilemma doesn't come to fruition thankfully. What's a few frantic phone calls among friends. We're looking out for you Patches, hope that oh so lovely lid of yours is intact. Did the genious bump withstand most of the blow?