Saturday, February 17, 2007

Well well well. I'm 34 yrs old and heading back to school. Took the apprenticeship for Industrial Warehousing at work yesterday. I hadn't cracked a book and kicked ass on the entrance exam. Funny story about that; I'm writing with three fuzzy faced kiddo new hires - right out of school. Think they passed - uh uh; nope! And ask the Doc math isn't my strong suit. Regardless I'll be getting my ticket - spending six weeks a year (for three) down at lovely Kwantlen. Not sure which campus yet. I'll also be earning way less cash in the short term; only to see it go crazy high once I'm done the course. None the less; I'll truly miss those I work with now. Not to mention the big toys - I mean really: how many of us get to play in the worlds biggest sandbox with the worlds biggest toys? Sigh......


Lex said...

Atta boy. The kids don't know shit. Look at us, drinking between Dana Lee's classes. Well, actually, that was the only thing that made the course worthwhile.

Dr. Fatty said...

According to the Highland Valley people I guess I would have failed that test too.