Sunday, December 13, 2009

Well, off to change out the thermostat in the 'new to me' Volvo. Thanks Slick. Hopefully it won't be too horrible. Gonna take Mickey with us with us for a little more human interaction. He's doing very well, and seems just plain happy to be with a family who loves him. The more time I spend with him, the more I suspect he's come from a family that tried hard and gave up. If I'm correct, then they made a huge mistake. He's got all the basic commands down, and is eager to learn, please, love and be loved. He loves his Momma, his Dad, and shows a contentment I wish I saw more of in humanity. At this time of year, we ought be thankful for what we have, not what we crave. To those of us enjoying where we're at, High Five - to those without - hope the sunshine comes calling, and your days become as bright as it seems for this wee man I feel so fortunate to have as a part of the family.

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