Monday, November 07, 2005

Most of my waking hours of the last three days were spent in the company of someone new. And not that grumpy, brooding voice in my head! Oh, that's just the MP3 playing Dennis Miller jokes! Anyway, I'm living proof that all good things come to those that wait. Occasionaly those things happen to be tall, lithe, clever and very adorable. Expressive eyes that make me melt. Sometimes they're very Scandanavian (with a touch of the Scot in her!)and they enjoy all the same films and pass the Daphne Odjig litmus test. Unlike others I've dated recently, this gal makes me thrilled to see ye olde phone ring. Oh yeah, she smells amazing too...


Random Thoughts said...

Sounds promising -- I hope however that she's not too much of a nuckleheads fan since she might be in for a disappointing season (despite an okay start).

Dr. Fatty said...

So, now the real reason comes out as to why you would not come to Calgary.

I could say many cynical things here, but you seem happy.

I wasn't happy setting up alone here.

So, to hell with burgeoning relationships. You all make me sick.

I need a girl.