Saturday, June 03, 2006

Remember The critter from Caddyshack? The nemesis of Bill Murray's character? Well I've got a little story for you. Golfed at Rivershore the other day, where I didn't play particularly well, but had fun as I was with some great friends and truly striking it pure. However, we came to the eighteenth hole, a 520 yard par five. The wind was behind us, and I wanted to cut the corner left and really smack the shit out of it. Let's just say I didn't get all of it, popped it about two hundred yards on that left line. Walking up, I thought the ball would be out of bounds or lost for certain. But alas, good karma I suppose (NOT!), I found it wedged below a sagebrush. having no shot whatsoever, I take my medicine and decide to play out sidways. I have no forward shot you see, the only shot is to advance the ball out to the right a few yards and get on with it. I took my stance in this god forsaken weed and actually got a good swing on it, and hit the ball just as I'd hoped, out to the right a few yards. But, what do you know, gopher hole right there! My partners were wondering what the hell I was up to as I dove after my ball directly after contact. That's right, a six dollar golf ball scores a hole in one down a varmin hole. Unreal eh? So after the laughter subsided, I dropped another (carefully as I was near the chasm that is gopher land), and crushed a three wood to sixty yard out. Front pin got hunted hard by my lob wedge, and a one putt for a bogey. Thus concludes the story of the best bogey of my life! Really made me kinda hate gophers though.

1 comment:

Dr. Fatty said...

"It's in the hole!!!! It's in the hole." - Bill Murray in Caddyshack