Sunday, December 02, 2007

Movies NOT to see:

The Contract. We didn't even finish it. It was that bad. The scene where a car plummets down a hill while the occupants struggle with a gun (before, of course - crashing into a river) was laugh out loud funny.

Breaking and Entering. Had it's moments, though my favorite line came from Jaime and I. She said 'I think this is going to be good.' I said, 'We haven't heard the dialog yet.' Turns out I thought the script blew. Jude Law's line 'I love your laugh, I want to capture them and keep them in a box.' made us both giggle like kids - and 'laugh box' is going to get some serious chuckles in the future.

Go see the longly titled The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Can't say enough about this film. It was no Unforgivenbut unreal none the less. Casey Affleck will be nominated for an Oscar guaranteed.

1 comment:

Dr. Fatty said...

What the hell is The Contract? Was it straight to video?

Jude Law sucks ass. He should be good, but he picks the lamest roles there possibly is. I don't think I've seen anything he's done in six years.

In any case, are either of those movies as bad as Reindeer Games?

Another terrible movie is The Score (I think that's what it's called). It has Ed Norton (his one blemish), DeNiro (I think) and that fat old dead guy that made Larry King rub his feet, Marlon Brando. Yes, Brando did one of the coolest things ever when he won an Oscar, but he was terrible in every single movie he was in, including Apocalypse Now.