Sunday, September 21, 2008

Looks like God (aka Roberto Luongo) is ready to roll - see him peeking round the corner to see if the Zamboni is off the ice yet? He's excited, and so am I. Pre season games tomorrow and Tuesday! Both on TV...sweet!!! I'm also happy to publicly announce that I'm going to Montreal in Feb to cheer on my team. It will be undoubtedly be the finest hockey holiday to date. Anyone know where I can get some Nuck's colored face paint by the way???


Dr. Fatty said...

It's odd that they're playing pre-season games on t.v.; at least so many. But, I have to say I'm more excited for this season than any other in the past 14 years. I still can't see this team making the playoffs this year, but it should be a fun ride.

And Montreal... well Montreal better get set for the scars of a revolution hit.

Erin said...

try or something. I'm sure they have it.

Anonymous said...

He's not checking on the Bonzami, he's looking for his defencemen. Get used to this's gonna' be a looooong season.