Friday, November 28, 2008

Cleary a moron...

I love that she used the words 'Pretty Brutal' at the start of this interview! I mean really, does this woman have absolutely no common sense? No idea of where she's standing? Where the camera is pointed? I'm sure one could blame this on her 'handlers', but that's far too easy in my opinion. And why, can someone tell me - does she sound like a character from Fargo (MIN) when she's from Alaska. That accent is puzzling, but not nearly as puzzling as opting to be interviewed in front of Turkeys being bled. And on that note, don't you just love that guy behind her? I KNOW he's thinking something along the lines of:

'Huh Huh, gonna be on the TV. All the boys down at the tavern gonna finally see I'm the best damn turkey processing engineer! I told em, told em I'm good at whats I do!'


Random Thoughts said...


You needed to listen at about the 2 minute mark where she says something like:

"you need a little levity to do this job"

Don't you see, she's being ironic!

Duncan said...

Yeah, she read the definition of irony in Field and Stream I'm sure...

Lex said...

When I saw this and heard people complaining about a turkey holocaust I thought at least she isn't squeamish about where dinner comes from.

Dr. Fatty said...

I got through about 1:36 of this video. She's not saying anything; it's a fluff piece for the local news channel.

But my main concern here is that what you see in the background is part of the major problem with the meat industry today. Why do these idiots (morons, rejects) have to do the bleeding directly in front of the other turkeys? This is just fucking ridiculous. This should be done at least 25 yards away and behind a wall, if not in an enclosed room.

I wouldn't have such a problem with meat-eating if the industry had any ethics at all. And I really still believe if people had to kill their own meat there would be millions more vegetarians in the world.

The disconnect of humans from their food and the disconnect of humans from compassion is pathetic.