Friday, November 14, 2008

My Angel and I were just discussing my blog. Seems she was after an alternative ending to a certain Will Smith film. We both knew I'd commented on it in the past. It got me perusing backwards through my interweb life, and realizing that I've tossed out some nonsense that I'm kinda, sorta, a wee bit happy with. I haven't posted anything lately that makes me walk with that certain swagger. I haven't posted anything of late that makes me order my morning coffee with the authority of a pseudo journalist. For this I'm somewhat ashamed, but realizing that true art can't be rushed; I assure you that I'll be back with the insightful witticisms you expect from a site headed by a monkey smoking. Or I'll post some UTube shite, and bitch about bad films...keep you posted!!!

You all had better be excited about this, and checking in thrice daily for the upcoming posts. The advertising dollars are keeping my 42 diabetic kittens on kidney dialysis, and their future is in your hands!

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