Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The HorseMen prowling the mean streets of Kamloops, keeping the ruffians in check outside the local Discos. Love this pic, just wish I could remember what bloody setting I used!

1 comment:

Dr. Fatty said...

I only say this because you have some other good pictures up here.

You have to get over liking this picture. It's too dark and the angles don't work.

If you want to see a hot police pic I'll show you one I took outside mine and Forkhead's old place. There was a stabbing one night in 1999 so I went down and took a few pics. I hooked up with two older freelance photogs and they took me cruising around the city for a few hours listening to a police scanner waiting for shit to go down.

It was a quiet night and after about two hours of cruising we went to the Drive for coffee before they drove me home.

Good times.