Monday, July 09, 2007

Had a great time hanging on to one of these ALL day today. Many PSI and a hundred feet of heavy hose made for a long shift. Seems I got called upon to look after some contractors hired on site to cut and remove some old steel and decking etc. Said contractor used torches to cut up the booty. Said booty rests in an overgrown long grassed field. Ughh. Everytime they sparked up it lit. Four fills of the tanker and a fuel run made up my ass time. Lucky contractors - I'm gone for an hour; they rest. I come back with water for their fires and they start right up. Wow - crazy day; but I know Pumper #1 inside out now. And I know what wildfires smell and sound like as they start up! Other thatn that - all is well. Expect Hitchcock to take a run at Don Hay as well. Saw them golfing/dining at Rivershore on the weekend and wouldn't be surprised. hays done all he can at every other level - time for the bigs. Also see the Nucks shored up the D today - trade coming. anyone?


Dr. Fatty said...

I had a drunk/high/fucked up guy fall and smash his head on the pavement outside my bus this afternoon. Ambulance and police came. Paramedics said his eyes looked like he may have been on heroin. Didn't look like the type, but it's Vancouver.

As for the Canucks, good for them on getting more defense because that's clearly what they need. Goals don't mean shit.

Dr. Fatty said...

Sweet! Now we got Shannon.