Sunday, August 03, 2008

Good stuff here, you'll like it mucho is you're a fan of the late H.S. Thompson. Bill Murray apparently portrayed him to a tee long before Mr. Dep did. Going to have to track that film down - looked interesting. I highly recommend this film.

OK - the following film made me sad. I saw trailers for it probably a year or so back, and heard some rumblings that it was delayed post production. Dennis Quaid was just awful in this movie. The face that he donned for most of the film would have been better put to use in a laxative commercial. To bad, because it had a neat premise, but the actors (Forrest Whittaker) among them were just going through the motions. Oh well - whatcha gonna do? Hollywood will continue to throw bankfulls of money at shit like this, and let other actual scripts rot away on the shelves.

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