Sunday, April 02, 2006

Rory' semi-finished mechanical masterpiece, words seem petty...check out his blog link (Rorminder's blog) for previous pictures of the beast in its Jeckel mode, this is truly Hyde! He tells me that there are a few more touches to be added, none the less I was stunned looking at the suspension as the kid explained his custom mods. The new truck is a vision of inspiration, hard work, and dedication to his cause. I'm so fucking proud of this lad...I'll be sure to post some more pics once the final pretty bells and whistles are on 'er. Also, vote for this truck is he decides to put it in Hot Nights in the City!!! Be sure to nag him too, as I think he deserves a day on the sidewalk watching chins drop and being told what a wonderful job he has done bringing and old heirloom back to another generation.


Dr. Fatty said...

I think it's set for BO'06! Hot Night In The City. We all get rooms downtown. Oh, what a night!

Dr. Fatty said...

Funky Dude, please pass this message on to Rory.

I was going to leave it at his blog, but he hasn't been there since January.

Anyways, Rory, it's tough to question a young man that can do what it looks like you've done with that truck. Very nice work.

However, what made you decide on that color? I like it, but it doesn't seem very "souped up truck". I think it would be sweet if you pain a giant side profile of a grasshopper on each side.

In any case, sweet work. I can't wait to see it at Hot Night in the City/Boy's Only '06. Rock on.