Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Will this be the man to negoitate a contract between the big bad wolf (United Steelworkers) and the bigger, bad wolf (HVC)? Mr. Ready is scheduled to mediate final negotiations this week in hope of diverting the 72 strike notice the membership of US voted overwhelmingly to issue. In a year when HVC is anticipating a 1.5 B profit, I sure hope this gets settled. However, if we ask for the sun and the moon; we might see the might that is Tech Cominco. Sounds as though medical and dental have been added after retirement, which is super; but once the hand goes out - seems some pople expect it to get really filled. The enviornment at work is not a lot of fun at the moment, seems everyone is walking on eggshells, snarky and pissy as hell. Have to wait and see how this all pans out; should be done one way or another within the week. Here's hoping it's a good, long term contract for all. As a member of the bargaining committee so aptly said: 'We may be whores, but we're expenive ones.' Touche.


Anonymous said...

Fucking greedy buggers. The whole lot of you.

Lex said...

You have a troll. Now you have a real blog.

Duncan said...

Think this is the same gutless piece of shit troll who made some noise a few months back regarding some link up. I though I tried to present the fact that I'm not particularily greedy, however once unions become involved; it gets ugly. Oh well, back to under your bridge Troll.

Anonymous said...

Get all you can while you can. If not, there's always Fort Mac!