Friday, October 26, 2007

Well y'all - I've been promising gore for some time - so Happy Halloween! I forgot my camera today when I went for the VacDressing change. I reckon that if I'm stuck with this unit for the next three weeks, that I might as well update the wee holes progress. It looked good today and shall be even better on Monday with any luck. Regardless, it's a whole hell of a lot better than the following pic. I don't remember taking this. Found it on my cel today. It was taken about 40 hrs after surgery - so I must have snapped it while the dressing was being changed. Those were some nasty days - lots of morphine, thus the lack of memory I suppose. This is the least gory of the three I (apparently) took. Where you see the bloodiest spot is where the hole is currently. It's about the size of a pencil eraser and shrinking daily. I will talk to the surgeon(s) again in early Nov. and will really up the heat for those X-rays; cuz they are some cool shit.


joz said...

I am ready to come over anytime to shoot more pics

Dr. Fatty said...

That's pretty fucking gross. Nice work. It beats my halloween idea of everyone shaving their heads in male pattern baldness and dressing up in suits carrying brief cases being crazy business men.

Random Thoughts said...

That's fucking disgusting -=- thnx for sharing!

Lex said...

Ugh... thats why I didn't go to Med School.