Friday, October 19, 2007

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- A New Zealand brewer is hoping for the safe return of a stolen laptop.

The computer turns out to contain all of Croucher Brewing Company's financial information, plus its business contacts and the designs for its new beer labels.

The company is offering as a reward, free beer for life. Actually, a dozen bottles of beer a month, for life.

Co-owner Paul Croucher says the offer hasn't produced the computer, but it has prompted calls from lots of people who say they're looking for it.

He blames the theft on a flimsy lock and "opportunistic kids."

If you can't find me for a few days - you know where I'll be. On the case! That's right, on the case...


Dr. Fatty said...

Sounds like it would be worth booking a week off work for a hard target search. But a case per month? Just slightly chintzy.

Lex said...

Yeah thats not great... The poor sod has got to be drowning his rugby woes.

And rugby is almost the best sport ever BTW.