Thursday, April 26, 2007

Alrighty - this is NOT the critter to be discussed below! Had an odd sensation earlier this morning on the way to work. I ran over a squirrel. Made a move (and spilled the coffee in my holder thingy) trying to avert it's demise; but no dice kids. Ran it over good and hard. This is a rodent essentially right? I ought not care. None the less - all day I had images of a trunk full of squire ll kits/pups/kids (whatever) starving in a cozy nest Mom had made em. And I'm not insinuating I was able to sex the critter as I ran over it! It's just the way my mind portrayed the incident. I've driven that road for nearly six years and killed nothing more than an A/C belt. It made me wonder about I alright with it because I'm lawfully sanctioned to harvest animals at a time when they have no wee uns depending on them? Because I know I'm not a sadistic bastard - killing a deer or moose moves me like nothing else. And yet - this fucking squirrel was on my mind all day. Here's hoping it was a boy...and had no kits (whatever) to feed.


Random Thoughts said...

Well it seems you have better luck "hunting" squirrels than deer lately.

I wouldn't worry too much unless you're thinking of becoming vegan it's not really that bad for your karma!

Dr. Fatty said...

Of course it was looking for food to feed the kids.