Thursday, April 26, 2007

Oh yah - haven't reviewed a film in a while. Both of these were enjoyed with a young lass who picks some fine film. Little Miss Sunshine is lovely - cute - and a wee bit National Lampoons Vacation. Very funny and brilliant performances. Glad to see a film of it's 'stature' get the recognition it deserved; albeit in a weak Oscar year. As for Mr Norton's film...really kinda sorta enjoyed it. What's his face from the pool nymph flick (he should have retired having played the wino in Sideways! Take that N. Cage! HAA) was almost brutal. Ms. Biel was; well stunning. The whole scam from beyond the grave gig was a whole lotta fun and I would reccomend it as some serious fun fodder. By the way - I expect some rants from the bus driver RE the last two posts. Just awaiting the day we can all cram on his bus lads! BO email to follow shortly...


Random Thoughts said...

Haven't seen the sunshine movie (hey, I live in the coast and we haven't seen much sunshine lately) but have seen (and bought in advance) the Illusionist. Pretty predictable flick -- almost as much of a surprise ending as Mr. Brown's favorite director's 6th Sense.

Dr. Fatty said...

If you call Paul Giammati (sp?) "what's his name" than you really have no grasp on intelligent acting. Asides from Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp (who doesn't even live there anymore) PG is the best American actor going right now. You can throw Ed Norton into that mix too; but he has a permanent black spot for doing that pathetic movie with Marlon Brando a few years ago.

And M Night is not my favourite director; I didn't even like 6th Sense. But, Lady in the Water and The Village are awesome.