Sunday, March 02, 2008

Final film festival post. Don't really know what to say here - kinda want to slag this film, but will stop just short. It was very predictable, tried to tug at heartstrings WAY to hard, but had a few moments that caught my attention. Nice performances and all, but I'm just not sold. What caught my attention foremost, however and unfortunately, were the old bags behind me who saw fit to chat away too much during the film with comments like:

"I remember that from the book"

"Oh God - the Poverty!"

"Doesn't she look like Jennifer, I rally think she looks like Jennifer."

Of course this is Kamloops, and all the twits who ignored the earlier films had to show up for this one. Make a final push to appear a part of the Artsy Farty community and all. I hope a few of them meet unexpected accidents that render their vocal cords useless in dark rooms!

Not a terrible film overall, but put it your 'to see list' as opposed to your 'have to see list.' I assume this commentary may bring criticism - and to that I say:

Go Fly A Kite!


Dr. Fatty said...

On a first date once (yes, I have had dates in the past decade) I turned around and told two young girls that they'd know what was happening if they, "shut the fuck up and paid some fucking attention" to the movie. My date said I swore a few more times as well. I didn't know they were probably 11 or 12 and I probably scared the shit out of them. I should have said "sorry" for being like that afterwards, but what can you do? The movie was "Hitch". And I haven't seen the girl in over two years.

Dr. Fatty said...

Oh, and as with the book, I have absolutely no interest in seeing this movie.