Saturday, March 29, 2008

I couldn't take the childish going ons at the Canucks Forum anymore, and lashed out: this is my fourth posting or something like that. Their response is below:


StealthNuck has sent you this email from

I come here for a laugh once and a while, and enjoy watching both the educated Nucks fans and the kids beat it out over anything and everything. One thing I've noticed of late is how a moderator (who's sig is and example of the most laughable goal tending in the the history of the league) seems to get involved in not only discussion, but moderator duties as well. This seems to me to be a bit of a conflict of interest. You either troll about, or you work here...which is it? Knowing this will be shut down ASAP, I'd only recommend one other thing - I love to see the passion here, but the moronic kids who attack every thread, or start of with 'already been mentioned' in an attempt to bolster their numbers: c'mon - get off of the computer and enjoy life. That especially goes for the Mod who will, undoubtedly, shed me from this forum of poor spelling and grammar. The latter could be overlooked, but the complete lack of hockey sense one sees here is bewildering. Grow up children, treat the acne - and try to get a date. The input here is heavy handed, not terribly well thought out and clearly juvenile. Thought I'd go out on a bang, as this site holds nothing for anyone who understands and appreciates the game (and also is employed.) C'mon mod, if the power is on in Mom's basement - shut me down nerd/commentator who's had nothing better to do that to post TWENTY THOUSAND times on this site! Really kiddo; get some sun.

"12. You will not abuse the moderators. If you have an issue with a moderator's actions, need clarification on a moderator's decision, or want to make a suggestion to the moderating team, you are welcome to. However, this should only be done by PMing a mod, and not by making publicly viewable threads or posts. You are expected to always treat the moderators with respect, even when expressing a disagreement."

Your account has been suspended for one week.


Lex said...

This group is the best :

Here is the accompanying FAQ

Anonymous said...

maybe they just saw the Dallas banner on your blog and decided to ban you for that.