Thursday, March 06, 2008

Read this:

I've been meaning to mention this of late. This book caught my attention when I heard it being discussed on the Mother Corp. I'll go out on a limb, and suggest that Geo might even enjoy it! Twas a great read - JFu has my copy at the moment, and I suspect this book will travel from hand to hand until it falls apart. A fantastic read, but don't take my word for it, pick up a copy. Here's a cut and paste wee description:

Being a Greek god is not all it once was. Yes, the twelve gods of Olympus are alive and well in the twenty-first century, but they are crammed together in a London townhouse-and none too happy about it. And they've had to get day jobs: Artemis as a dog-walker, Apollo as a TV psychic, Aphrodite as a phone sex operator, Dionysus as a DJ.

Even more disturbingly, their powers are waning, and even turning mortals into trees-a favorite pastime of Apollo's-is sapping their vital reserves of strength.

Soon, what begins as a minor squabble between Aphrodite and Apollo escalates into an epic battle of wills. Two perplexed humans, Alice and Neil, who are caught in the crossfire, must fear not only for their own lives, but for the survival of humankind. Nothing less than a true act of heroism is needed-but can these two decidedly ordinary people replicate the feats of the mythical heroes and save the world?


Anonymous said...

I was reading some reviews on this one and discussing it with a few people at the base...damn. I think I'm gonna have to cave and buy a copy! Impatient, speedy girl that I am.....hah.

Dr. Fatty said...

Sounds good.

But, sounds to me like a bit of plagiarism as far as the idea goes. Neil Gaiman wrote "American Gods" about ten years ago and it was pretty similar in story. It was an awesome book.

Lex said...

Yeah, I heard the interview as well and I agree with Therzo, sounds like American Gods.

Duncan said...

I've read both, and there is no comparison.