Friday, July 18, 2008

The most appropriate way to review a film like this is as follows:

Thank God I didn't become an actor, cuz if I had, I may have been really hungry and forced to do a pile of shit picture like this one. And I'd be really upset with myself. And it would be there, on DVD, for ever and ever. And people would watch it, and sneer at you - laugh most likely.

Wow, was this BAD. I was really looking forward to it too. It has Vancouver, Leelee, and kinky latex clothes and shit. I mean, how could you not look forward to that right?

Brutal, not worth the cost of rental - not even worth your time if someone GIVES it to you. In fact, if someone does - you should question that friendship. Ughh - I want my two hours back.

1 comment:

Dr. Fatty said...

Why do you waste your time with stuff like this? From the cast and cover you can tell it will suck.

You should have rented Hellboy, then gone to see the sequel in the theatre.