Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Well, I liked this one - very interesting film that follows a number of characters on the day Kennedy is killed. It flies back and forth between the different folk in a very funky way, and the cast is absolutely killer. Worth a view in my humble opinion. Tonight is apparently Zoolander night...to be followed tomorrow by 'I am Legend' and maybe 'The Mist'. More rants to surely follow. Oh yes, The Master's are ahead of us this weekend. Expect a few man-tits jokes as well...


Dr. Fatty said...

Before you watch The Mist make sure you read the short story. I read it a long-ass time ago, but I remember it being one of King's best earlier works. Fulton's probably got a copy. I think it may have been in Night Shift, but I'm not totally sure.

Dr. Fatty said...

Or it was in Skeleton Crew.