Thursday, April 17, 2008

Well, well - what a day it's been already. Dentist in the am for a 'night guard.' Apparently I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep. Since the accident, they feel smaller; so perhaps I'm reliving my shattered leg fiasco in my sleep. Or perhaps I'm dreaming of beer can chicken. Who the hell know? Then off to the butcher for dindins tonight and yummy bacon for Sun's brunch with the family. Mmmm - DRo waffles rock! Then off to Art Knapps for some seeds and a lovely Bay Leaf bush. I first saw one at a friends Mom's place and fell in love with the idea of owning one. Dried Bay leafs for everyone's Xmas pressie - be warned! Then the real excitement. There was a heavy fuzz presence on the bridge today. Tuned into the 'Not so Mighty NL' to find out there was a body in the Thompson River. Drove by, morbid and bored as I am. Saw the floater some 60 ft. away in the water. At least I think it was a interesting day to say the least.


Lex said...

Macleans says Kamloops is number 2 for murder per capita.

Anonymous said...

It's weird cause you don't usually HEAR about murders here unless they can't avoid letting people know....

Very gross....I hope never to see a floater. Very sad too.

Dr. Fatty said...

Sounds like an exciting housewife's day.

Duncan said...

Judging by therzo's comments here and on Doc's blog, a certain attitude towards housewives is developing. The village pictures must be improving...