Sunday, June 08, 2008

Just wanted to post a few wee words about how life amazes you with the simplicity of it all. Dad an Rory made it out to a local lake today for a spot of fishing. Dad hasn't been on a lake in years, yet is forever threatening. Cudos to the kid for convincing Dad back into a boat. They experienced snow, rain and hail apparently - but managed five trout. Rory gave me the heads up as to what was coming home for dinner, and I set about preparing a simple spread to accompany the fish. Fresh Chips (in fresh oil), a steamed carrot and grilled red pepper jobbie, and of course - the fish. Bathed in buttermilk - hucked through seasoned flour and into my (simple!) oiled french pan. We sat down and talked. we sat down and ate. We sat down and enjoyed! It got me thinking about the simplicity of it all. I recently had a great meal with cherished friends that was little more than good coldcuts and cheese paired with wonderful wine. It's all about making memories in the kitchen, enjoying what the seasons bring you, and plating up your creation with those you care about.


Erin said...

sounds like a great night and meal (aside from the fish part - but hey, to each their own!)

I'm still stokin' on perogy day...gotta do that before summer actually comes and it gets hot!

Anonymous said...

Another evening on Walton Mountain!