Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Luongo's shutout streak now sits at 182 min 37 sec. I predict he'll go another 25 min.

In other mid week ramblings:

1. Bookland rules. Over the years, I suspect I've bought 70% of my new books there. Went in this morning to pick up the Clapton autobiography and found that they are selling books and mags at the Yankee price. God bless them and the lovely old Irish lady who always makes smile. Think I might have a crush on her - she's about 70 I think!

2. Kamloops radio blows. There was a wreck on the bridge this morning. I was listening to the 'Mighty NL.' Traffic was backed up like I've never seen. Had to go downtown via the highway after some Bond like maneuvers and was subsequently late for my appointment. NL didn't mention it, but the 'Morning Mayor' had me contemplating homicide yet again as he rambled on about nothing, while ignoring the worst traffic jam I've ever seen in Kamloops.

3. Kamloops theater's blow. 'No Country for Old Men' still ain't here. Enough said.

4. Promogran rules. This wonderful product is the final step of my 'hell-hole' treatment. Looks like I'll be completely covered by Fri. or this weekend. Shameless product placement: Promogran consists of a sterile, freeze dried matrix composed of collagen and oxidised regenerated cellulose (ORC), formed into a sheet approximately 3 mm thick cut into hexagonal pieces.

5. The Mood. Sounds as though Port Moody is gonna get rocked next Fri. My lady and I are hoping to crash the Doc's joint and Mr. Brown sounds like he's gonna get some serious jig on in the burbs.


joz said...

yeah that was the worst traffic jam I have ever been in in kamloops. Took me 40 minutes to get from Wood St to the Bridge. The kids and I had a good time singing "Spider-man" at the tops of our lungs.

Dr. Fatty said...

Weren't you cursing Bookland for some reason a few years ago? In any case, good on you for making the 70 year old feel like a fresh lass again.

And I broached the subject with Geo today; I'll let you talk to him.

Lex said...

Bookland. Oh yeah, I bought many a TSR novel there.

According to Geo all the ladies need some love. He's not wrong there.