Friday, May 16, 2008

Alrighty, I'm out of hospital and alive...alive dammit - alive! Not a cadaver, as pictured above. Though I may in fact owe thanks to cadavers/organ donors. More on that to follow. And no, smart asses - it has nothing to do with my lovely liver! Love to head off the jokes! I'm just glad Jon and Dee were there to witness what I otherwise might have forgotten/dismissed as a morphine induced dream. It seems the bone graft I was scheduled to receive came not from me, but from, uh - someone else. I was a bit confused that the nurses on my ward had me on record as having recieved a bone graft, yet I had no tell tale wounds on my hip where they would have harvested the bone matter from. 25 hrs later, I saw my surgeon and inquired as to why he hadn't gone ahead with the scheduled bone graft. He told me he had. The surgeons apparently have, at their disposal, carefully screened bone matter that's (as far as I could tell) has been harvested from dead folk and mixed with lovely nutrients and the like. Uh - I'm still a little freaked out about this, and not really sure I should even post it. It all seems so odd - I have little bits of someone else in me, knitting in my shin as we speak. Jehovah is gonna be some pissed....

1 comment:

Erin said...

I've been thinking about this...and really, if you didn't have 'little bits of someone else' in you knitting your bones, those bits would just be....somewhere else. So I guess, the someone else in question, seeing as they checked the doner box, would probably be quite glad to be helping you heal. Still disconcerting for sure, but something, I think, to be grateful for. And I was googling and from what I gather, the you bits will overtake the someone else bits on a cellular level or something like that.

I agree, it's odd...and will take some getting used to.