Saturday, May 03, 2008

Loved it. Robert Downey Jr. is so superbly cast in this film, you almost wait for the whole deal to go wrong. It doesn't. It's great to see him back at it, what with all the naysayers we heard from early in the production of this film. In fact, all the cast pretty much rocked - they appeared pretty seamless together, which say a lot considering they all signed on prior to even reading a script. Oh, and to get the pervy comment out of the way, like I said to JFu, that Ms. Paltrow can put any lady to shame on a set of very high heels. Yummy. The film had a lot of comical moments. Not the least of which was the nerd who took the single seat beside me - figured I was his pal, and wanted to bombard me with banal comments throughout. I bludgeoned him with a crutch and stuffed his lifeless body into my extra large soda cup; and all was once again right with the world! Anyhoo, back to the film: here's a not so bad spoiler for those of you who are going this the credits...all of them. Over and out kids, enjoy.

Stole the following:

The key to Downey's mocking, crumpled charm is that no matter whom he's talking to, he's really just nattering to himself. When he climbs into his Iron Man machine suit, with its whirring, clicking limbs and plated chest, flamethrower arms, and mask of a medieval knight, he doesn't disappear behind the tin-can walls of that chunky, atomic-age jet-pack robot. He's still there, a deftly fragile motormouth — a damaged soul who needs armor to fully become himself.

1 comment:

Dr. Fatty said...

Can't wait to see it. I heard Sam Jackson has a credit even though he's not on screen. He'll be Nick Fury, which is a bit infuriating since Fury was white till a recent title of Iron Man.

Also heard that Downey's Iron Man may be in the Hulk with a cameo.