Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hey kids! I'm heading into the lovely above pictured l'hopital for a few nights. Surgery (#5) is schedule for noonish tomorrow. Another bone graft, and some plastic surgery on the leg; hopefully be home for the weekend. I'll be sure and post something while completely stoned out of my gourd! Prepare for gore pics Mr. Brown, we all know how sensitive you are!


Random Thoughts said...

I'd like to say "Enjoy your stay" but I've been in that place and all I wanted was out!

Good luck with your surgery.

Anonymous said...

See you tonight sweetie! I'll be thinking of ya....hopefully you will wake up graphite / steel free!

Dr. Fatty said...

Hope it went well.

And I hope you realise that I just don't think your personal gory images are good for a website.

However, I'm probably the only person in our circle of friends that has seen the first three Saw movies, and Hostel (about three of four times) and loved them. I don't mind the gore, but when it's on someone you know it's a bit worse, that's all.